Bali Hotels
Fontana Hotel, Kuta Paradiso Hotel, Bliss Surfer Hotel, Kuta Angel Hotel, Palm Beach Hotel, Kuta Central Park Hotel, DevinSky Hotel, The Mansion Resort Hotel & Spa, Champlung Sari Hotel, Agung Raka, Plataran Ubud Hotel & Spa & many more.‘Have I picked one of the best hotels in Bali?’ is the first question you want to ask yourself when you are going away to a dreamlike country like Bali. You don’t want to fly all the way out to an Indonesian nirvana and return disenchanted about the bitter stay that you had! A country otherwise called ‘meditation retreat’ must cater to you the recreation you need!
Being the most favored holiday destination in the Indonesian archipelago, Bali trip goes out of the way to make its tourists feel warm and at home. There is something for everyone; resorts on the beach, luxury resorts, and villas.
The place is chock-a-block with things to do like sightseeing, viewing landscapes, visiting temples & historical sites, adventure and attractive shopping areas; now you don’t want to do any of that without a peaceful place to crash in, do you?
Let us make it stress-free for you; here are the 30 Best Bali hotels to pick from!