Blakesley Hall is a grade II building, in Birmingham. The house has been made from dark-coloured timber, as with other Tudor houses. It is basically run as a community museum today. The last time the house was renovated was in 2002. Many of the architectural elements have been retained, but many have changed. Now, the walls sport Moorish design.
The visitors who head there, feel that they have entered a time warp, in which they get transported back to an old era. You can also head to the barn located to the east of the hall. It has been converted into an exhibition hall today. Many social functions and events are also held there. So, you can visit the place, and have an amazing time.
• Blakesley Hall is one of the oldest buildings in Birmingham, and is based on Tudor architecture, which will mesmerise you as an onlooker.
• The house has an attached herb garden, with orchards as well. You will also find many butterflies inside.
• See the Great Hall inside, which is supposedly the same place, where the inhabitants had their food. The table that is on display, is a replica of the one that was there in the past.
• The Grand Parlour is another portion of the house, which was probably used for entertainment. You can see the drapes of the curtains there, which will surely transport you to an old era.
• You will also find a Gilbertstone located in the garden, which is one of the fascinating and a standout features as well.