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About Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe is a South African country that has seen umpteen political and economical upheavals over a long period of time. It is now open to tourism and is a popular destination for adventure and wildlife. There are many nature sights like lakes, waterfalls, and mountains that can be enjoyed while your stay here. There are many landscape spots, lush highlands, exotic trees not found anywhere else, archaeological sites, and picturesque towns that can be visited. The locals are very friendly but the tourists have to beware as there are many challenges they could face. The locals have shown maximum resilience to the hardship the country has faced overtime.

You can enjoy the view of parks, reserves; go camping as there are umpteen camping sites here. This is a home to many species of wildlife and birds. Water and adventure sports are in humongous variety. Within this landlocked country there are many things to do and places to visit. All the tourists must and should know of the travelling dos and don’ts when you visit this country, else, it could cost you heavily. There are hardly any nightclubs, but, you can enjoy your drinks and food at most of the luxurious stays in the cities of this country.

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Zimbabwe FAQ's

Travel Advice

  • Zimbabwe has opened to tourism almost after a decade. Harare has the international airport.

  • This is a poor country and you can expect a lot of basic amenities missing from most of the hotels and you really have to ask for it, if you are visiting the countryside. There are luxury hotels and resorts with all the amenities and facilities in cities.

  • You have to ask for change in the supermarkets and be very careful with your belongings as they can be confiscated at the airport itself if the staff likes your belongings.

  • During safaris, the cops might go through your bags and take any item or gear they like.

  • More or less this is a lawless country and tourist visits this place to get a glimpse of wildlife.

  • Do not expect ethics and basic courtesies from locals, however, you can choose to be polite all the while.

  • They do not have internet or Wi-Fi facilities in most of the hotels and there are frequent electricity outages.

  • The road signs in this country might not always be accurate. There are regular checks for travellers who drive around, so keep all of your travel documents and licenses with you.

  • You can get a much closer look at the animals in this country during your safaris compared to what to experience in other countries.

  • Do not have any expectations of experiencing even basic amenities in most of the places.

  • Do not get a money exchange from the banks as this is a problematic process. This country uses American dollars as currency.

  • Elephants visit the town often to check out what’s happening, so do not get scared. This is a common site.

  • The locals are friendly, usually. However, do not complain about the lack of facilities to them, as they too are experiencing distress.

  • English is the language that is widely spoken in most of the places in this country.

  • ‘Zim time’ is the time predicted by the locals looking at the sun, which is usually the norm.

  • Dinner and lunch are done at leisure, and do not expect people to follow the time on dot.

  • Do not carry any of the valuables when travelling to this country.

  • Do not get involved in local and political protests or processions.

  • Except corruption to its hilt, and be careful of your communication and your stay.

  • You can as well enjoy your stay at the safari resorts and camps.

  • Do not get into physical relations with anyone before getting them tested for HIV/AIDS. This is the 6th largest country in the world that is infected by this disease.

  • Sleep under a mosquito net and wear full clothes to prevent mosquito bite.

  • Snakes and scorpions are a common site and wear long boots and cover yourself to stay protected from their sting.

  • Do not swim in lakes as you might be infected with Bilharzia.

Drinking Law

It is illegal to sell alcohol to minors. Public drinking is fined in this country. You must be 18 years and above to drink in this country.

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Wildlife and nature trails

The Victoria Falls are the most popular landmark sites that tourists visit for its beauty. It is listed in one of the seven wonders of the Nature World. This is one of the best nature sites in Africa. There is white mist coming from the falls that shoots towards the clear sky. This is one of the largest falls in Africa with spectacular view. The Lion Encounter is one of the features to look forward to. You can take a guided tour to enjoy the walk with the lions and interact with them at a closer distance. You can also take a photo with them as they are not tied in leashes and have no cages where they live.

Elephant Back Safaris are taken in the Zambezi gorges, grasslands of Victoria Falls and the sight of the Masuie River. Elephant safaris are an old tradition in Zimbabwe. You can enjoy the sunrise and sunsets during these safaris. These safaris are taken at the mopane forests and at the edge of Batoka Gorge. Horse Back Safaris can be explored at the Zambezi National Park. During this safari, you could get a glimpse of wildlife animals like, elephants, buffalos, kudu, bushbuck, imphala, hippos, otters, and more.

National Parks and safaris

Zambezi National Park is closer to the Victoria Falls. It is formed by the Zambezi River. You can spot many varieties of mammals here. Apart from elephants, lions, buffalos, leopards, and white rhinos, you can may also see antelopes, zebras, giraffes, tiger fish, and more. There are many fishing camps in this park and you can fish for a variety of fish species. Also present are many camp sites and picnic spots. You can get the best experience in the wilderness in places like Chomuzi, Chundu, and Siamunungu. There are acacia trees in most of these camp sites. The nearby areas of camp sites are equipped with amenities like lodges and restaurants with all the supplies. Matobo National Park has a beautiful landscape. This is a home to many species of black and rhinos, zebras, and other wild animals. You can also find many diverse species of birds at this park. Catfish, bottle fish and many other species of fishes are also found in this park in the watering holes.

Hwange National Park is a place where the elephants can be sighted roaming freely. This is one of the most popular safari locations in Africa. You can spot species of amphibians, spiders, reptiles, and 400 species of birds here. The elephants found in this park are world famous for having the largest population in the world. This park is a mix of desert and grasslands. The weather is variable in this park. Chizarira National Park has flora and fauna that gives a spectacular view to the visitors. This park is used for hiking trails, camping, and enjoying walking tours on the mountain ranges which are a part of this forest. The walking trails are only taken under guided supervision. Kazuma Pan National has largest species of birds and water springs. This park has beautiful bush and woodlands. You can see most of the wild animal species at this park as well.

Adventure and outdoor activities

Fishing centre- Binga is a fishing centre in the Zambezi valley near Lake Kariba and has traditional homes.  It is privately owned and has all the facilities for camping and lodging. You can also enjoy the hot springs here. The lakeside fishing is popular here.

High Wire is popular for Abseil & Rapp Jump, zip lines, flying fox, and gorge swing are the wire activities over the Zambezi River.  White Water Rafting on the Zambezi River is one of the most spectacular activities that most of the tourists enjoy. The vegetation in this area is thick. Do not miss the Batoka Gorge while rafting here. Helicopter and Microlights Flights gives a bird’s eye view of the Victoria Falls. Canoeing can be done in the Upper zone of Zambezi River. Bungee Jumping is also one of the popular activities across the bridge of Zambezi River.  The Zambezi River cruise is popular to get a glimpse of the wildlife while you enjoy food, drinks, and the sunset.

What you will like there?

Wild life and nature

Apart from national parks, which are umpteen and water sports and adventure activities, there are mountains and towns that can be visited for sightseeing and its natural beauty. Bvumba Mountains

are the highlands with a scenic beauty.  The botanical gardens and lush landscape areas are great for nature walks.  There is accommodation and other facilities available around this area. There are evergreen forests in the areas of this mountain. Mutare, a city in Zimbabwe has The Vumba Botanical Gardens and Reserve 32 kilometres away from this city. There are farms on the Vumba mountains. The Manchester Park in this location are a tourist attraction.

Osborne Dam Recreational Park is moorland located at a higher altitude. It has a river and lush greenery. These are one of the scenic spots in this country.

Parks, lakes, and caves

Chinhoyi Caves has many tunnels, dark caves, and pools that are sunlit. The pools have crystal waters. Lake Chivero Recreational Park is located on the outskirts of Harare. You can enjoy fishing, horse riding, and many other water sports activities. At this park many wild animals can be easily spotted. Many nocturnal species like civer, porcupine, caracal, and several other species can be spotted here. Lake Manyame Recreational Park is popular for a variety of water sports activities. You can also enjoy bird watching and see small herbivores grazing in the vicinity. This is also one of the popular fishing destinations. Kuimba Shiri Bird Park is closer to Lake Chivero, and has 460 species of indigenous birds.

Exotic eating joints

The Boma Restaurant has an earthy atmosphere and provides cultural experience of traditional Zimbabwe cuisine. It is close to the Victoria Falls. This is one of the oldest eating joints that are opened since 1900. The guests at this eating joint are dressed in traditional robes called the ‘chitenges.’This place also follows a hand washing ceremony that all the guests go through. Traditional beer and snacks are a part of the traditional menu. You can also enjoy the entertainment of traditional dancers at this joint.

Palm Restaurant has ala carte menu. They also have a lodge and serve delicious food. This is a fine dining restaurant that serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Mukuwa Kuwa is locate near Victoria Falls Safari Lodge’s and provides a view of the wildlife while you enjoy dining.

Museums and galleries

The culture of Zimbabwe is distinct. You can enjoy the local music of drums and dance at these traditional places. You can visit the Natural History Museum, Bulawayo Railway Museum,The Shona Sculpture Gallery, Chapungu Sculpture Park, and Zimbabwe Museum of Human Sciences are worth a visit.


Shop at Elephant's Walk Shopping and Artist's Village for an entire day; Cultural Vibes Music Shop near Victoria Falls is great to shop for souvenirs. Simpli Simbi in Harare is great for handcrafted jewellery. Leopard Rock Casino is in Mutare that has most of the basic casino games. Sam Levy's Village in Harare provides good food and shopping sprees. This is more of a shopping centre where you can dine, shop, and watch movies. The Mbira Centre in Harare is good for shopping for gifts and specialty items. The Bijoux Boutique in Harare can also be visited for shopping.

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