Tips & Ideas: Travel Vlogging for Beginners

Are you the kind of person who simply can’t stay in one place for too long? Does your love for travel inspire you to share your whirlwind adventures with the world? Well, the good news is that we’ve got the perfect hobby or side hustle for you: travel vlogging.

The life of a travel vlogger can certainly be filled with a ton of adventure and excitement, but it’s important to note that embarking on this journey isn’t as simple as just filming your adventures and pressing share. But don’t let that scare you away. By mastering a few basics, you can embark on this wanderlust-fueled adventure with the utmost confidence.

Here’s everything you need to know to get started:

1. Learn Some Basic Videography Skills

First and foremost, every aspiring travel vlogger needs to learn and master some basic videography skills. While you certainly won’t need Stever Spielberg level skills, mastering basics such as filming, composition and framing, editing, and how to trim video online will go a long way in helping you establish yourself as a go-to for all things travel related.

Remember, we live in a highly visual world, and producing high quality videos can be the difference between a hundred views and ten thousand views. So, spend some time watching online tutorials, signing up for videography classes or even learning new tips from other travel vloggers. The internet is a pretty resourceful place, so be sure to use it to your full advantage!

2. Get The Right Equipment

In the world of travel vlogging, getting your hands on the right equipment is paramount. Just as mastering the basics of videography is crucial, so is investing in the appropriate gear to help bring your vlogging vision to life. For example, you’ll want to ensure that you have a quality camera, microphone, editing software, tripod setup, and portable lighting that you can easily lug around on your travels across the globe.

However, for some who are just starting out, the prospect of spending thousands on new gear may not be appealing, and that is absolutely fine. For example, if you’re not yet ready to invest in a high quality DSLR camera, filming with a smartphone can be a great starting point. Other equipment like microphones, tripods and lighting can also be found for cheap on online marketplaces second-hand electronics stores, so be sure to have a look around. As your travel vlogging journey progresses and your audience grows, you can gradually upgrade your equipment based on your evolving needs and preferences.

3. Define Your Niche

Now that you’ve got your equipment and a basic grasp on videography and editing, it’s time to get stuck into the fun stuff, aka, defining your niche. Remember that this is incredibly important because the world of travel vlogging is vast, to say the least. With hundreds of thousands of people sharing their travel vlogging content on platforms such as YouTube and Instagram, you’re going to need to define your niche if you don’t want to get lost in the crowd.

To start, think about your unique angle or what you want to bring to the table in the travel vlogging world. Are you going to write up travel guides? Do you plan on eating your way through different countries with restaurant reviews and food vlogs? Or would you rather focus on highlighting the traditions and customs of each place you visit? The possibilities are endless here, so you’ll definitely want to take some time to figure out exactly where you fit into the travel vlogger-sphere.

4. Come Up With A Unique Channel Name 

Now you’re going to need to come up with a unique and catchy channel name. This is one of the most fun and important steps in your travel vlogging journey, and one that definitely shouldn’t be rushed. Your channel name is essentially your online identity, so you’ll want to choose something that really resonates with your travel vlogging journey.

Here are a few tips to get you started:

1. Reflect Your Niche

Your niche can play a big part in choosing your travel vlogging name. For example, if you’re all about trying different cuisines all around the world, you might want to choose a channel name that reflects exactly that.

2. Make It Memorable

You want your channel to be one that resonates in your audience’s memory, so choose a memorable name that is catchy and easy to remember. Avoid names that are too long, complicated, or difficult to spell. Simple is best.

3. Check For Availability

The last thing you want is to settle on the perfect name, only to realise that it’s already taken. So, be sure to check for name availability before getting too attached to your chosen moniker. Remember to not just check for available on your chosen vlogging platform, but also other social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, TikTok. This way, you’ll be able to choose a name that allows you to build brand consistency.

5. Keep To A Regular Vlogging Schedule

You’ve dotted your i’s and crossed your t’s, and now it’s time to start sharing your journeys with the world. However, if your aim is to really rack thousands of views, simply filming and posting once every few months won’t cut the cheese. Rather, you’ll need to keep to a regular vlogging schedule to ensure that you’re pushing your content out there and reaching as many people as possible.

Whether it’s weekly, bi-weekly, or a schedule that aligns with your content plan, maintaining a routine helps to build anticipation and reliability among your viewers. Not to mention, it also helps you get in the good graces of the mysterious algorithms, ensuring your content and channel is recommended to new viewers.

6. Familiarise Yourself With SEO

Another important thing to familiarise yourself with if you’re looking to make it big in the vlogger-sphere is search engine optimisation (SEO). Optimising your videos for SEO helps to ensure that you appear in search results and, in turn, reach as many viewers as possible. For starters, look into SEO keywords and learn the art of incorporating them into your video titles, descriptions and hashtags. That’s half the battle won.

7. Promote & Grow Your Audience

One of the most important things when establishing your travel vlogging channel is to engage with your audience. Doing so doesn’t just help with SEO, but also creates a loyal following that will help take your channel to the next level.

A good start is to make it a point to respond to as many comments as possible. People love authentic and down to earth content creators, so prioritising your engagement with your audience is key. You should also make it a point to ask questions in your video and encourage your audience to share their thoughts and experiences. This not only sparks interaction but also provides valuable feedback into exactly what your viewers are interested in consuming.

Finally, cross-promotion is your ultimate bestie in times of need. So, remember to share updates and snippets on various social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Engaging with your audience across various channels not only enhances your online presence but also allows for a more dynamic and diverse interaction.

And there you have it — everything you need to know to start living to wander. By taking these steps and strategies onboard, you’ll be well on your way to becoming the go-to destination for everything travel-related. Happy travels, and you got this!

Rekha Jain

I have been travelling across India for a long time and I am using this blog to share my experiences with you so that you can see the tremendous beauty which India has to offer.
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