Give The Gift of Memories This Christmas!
There is nothing quite like giving and receiving gifts at Christmas, but have you ever thought about the waste that is associated with physical gifting? What can you do to avoid throwing out that bin bag full of wasted wrapping paper?
Well, Travel Zoo has commissioned a survey to find out more about how the UK feels about waste at Christmas and it appears that 57% of people are looking to make more of an effort to be sustainable this Christmas. The survey also explored the idea of giving the gift of memories this Christmas.
Instead of giving those you love physical gifts this year, why don’t you consider gifting them an experience, something they can create a lasting memory out of? According to the survey, a huge 84% of people in the UK said that they would feel happy and excited if they were to receive an experience as a gift.
Gifting someone with an experience is a great way to reduce your input into the masses of waste that is created over the Christmas period. Take a look at the infographic below to see how the UK feels about Christmas waste and how they plan to be more sustainable this year.