The National Memorial Chorten Overview

Built in the memory of the third Druk Gyalpo (Head of Kingdom) of Bhutan, the National Memorial Chorten is devoted to World Peace and of the best places and it be part of your Bhutan tours. The Chorten started gaining popularity amongst the localities when various major Buddhist religious festivals started taking place at the Chorten and it is one of the best places to see in Thimphu Bhutan. The word “Chorten” literally translates to “Seat of Faith”, and the structure itself has become an important part of the Bhutanese culture. You can spot various Buddhists circumambulating around the Chorten all throughout the day. The Memorial also attracts a lot of tourists from around the world due to its architectural and deep connection with Bhutan’s rich culture.

Built in the memory of the third Druk Gyalpo (Head of Kingdom) of Bhutan, the National Memorial Chorten is devoted to World Peace. The Chorten started gaining popularity amongst the localities when various major Buddhist religious festivals started taking place at the Chorten and it is one of the best places to see in Thimphu Bhutan. The word “Chorten” literally translates to “Seat of Faith”, and the structure itself has become an important part of the Bhutanese culture. You can spot various Buddhists circumambulating around the Chorten all throughout the day. The Memorial also attracts a lot of tourists from around the world due to its architectural and deep connection with Bhutan’s rich culture.

Situated well within the capital city Thimphu. the Stupa was initially built in the year 1974 and thereafter, witnessed a massive renovation in the year 2008. The Chorten is also famous as the “most visible religious structure of Bhutan.” 

Unlike other traditional Stupas, this monument does not enshrine any of the human remains. It holds only one photo of Druk Gyalpo in traditional Bhutanese dress in the massive hall on the ground floor.


• Marvel at Bhutan's iconic religious landmark, the National Memorial Chorten, built in 1974.
• Observe locals practising daily spiritual rituals around the Chorten, symbolising the 'Mind of Buddha.
• Admire intricate mandalas and statues inside the Chorten, showcasing Tibetan-style architectural elements.
• Feel the serenity while spinning large, red prayer wheels, used for meditation and blessings.
• Attend the vibrant Monlam Prayer Festival at the Chorten, where Bhutan's religious head blesses congregants.

How To Reach

By Road:

The National Memorial Chorten is just 650 metres from the centre of Thimphu. 

By Bus: 

Regular bus services are available from major towns like Paro and Phuentsholing to Thimphu. Buses from Paro to Thimphu take about 1.5 hours, covering 49.8 kilometres. From Phuentsholing, the bus journey of 145.6 kilometres can take approximately 4 to 6 hours. These buses travel through mountainous roads with stunning scenic views. Upon reaching Thimphu, you can take the Chorten Lam Southeast road to get to the Chorten within a 15-minute walk.

By Car: 

Driving to Thimphu by car allows for a flexible journey with the opportunity to stop at several scenic spots. The road from Paro is well-maintained and offers a smooth ride, with the journey taking about 1 to 1.5 hours. The route takes you via the Phuentsholing - Thimphu Highway and Paro - Thimphu Hig, coveringvers 49.8 kilometres.

By Foot:

For those staying in Thimphu, the National Memorial Chorten is easily accessible on foot. It is a pleasant 650-metre walk through the city streets, allowing you to immerse yourself in the local culture and atmosphere.

Best Time To Visit

The National Memorial Chorten is open every day and is excellent for exploring all year round. It is a hub of spiritual activity throughout the year, making any time a good time to visit.

Best Day of the Week: 

Weekdays are ideal for a visit to the National Memorial Chorten. This is when you will find fewer crowds, allowing a more personal and reflective experience.

Best Time of the Day: 

Try to reach the Chorten early in the morning. The Chorten opens at 05:00 a.m., offering peaceful moments for meditation before the day begins.

Other Essential Information

  • Arrive early to experience the serene morning rituals at the Chorten.
  • Wear comfortable shoes as you may be standing or walking for long periods.
  • Dress modestly out of respect for the Chorten's religious setting and sacred nature.
  • Avoid loud conversations to maintain the peaceful atmosphere and decorum within the Chorten.
  • Do not touch the religious artefacts or prayer wheels during your visit to the site.
  • Keep the area clean, and do not litter within the premises of the Chorten.
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Point of Interest for The National Memorial Chorten
Participate in Spiritual Circumambulation

Participate in Spiritual Circumambulation

Engage in the meditative practice of kora, walking clockwise around the National Memorial Chorten. This activity allows you to join locals and monks in a daily ritual that symbolises the wheel of life. It is a peaceful experience that reinforces mindfulness and the Buddhist way of continuous movement towards enlightenment. You will notice the giant prayer wheels around the Chorten, which devotees spin while reciting mantras believed to spread spiritual blessings and well-being.

Observe Religious Rituals and Offerings

Observe Religious Rituals and Offerings

Visit during early morning hours to see devotees offering butter lamps, a sacred ritual that illuminates the path to enlightenment. This serene offering is made in the peaceful ambience of the Chorten's inner sanctum. Accompanied by the rhythmic chanting of prayers, it provides a reflective and profound spiritual experience. These offerings symbolise the dispelling of darkness and ignorance. Here, you will also find the air filled with a mix of chanting and the gentle sounds of bells and drums.

Attend the Monlam Prayer Festival

Attend the Monlam Prayer Festival

If your visit coincides with the Monlam Prayer Festival, you will get to witness one of the most important religious gatherings in Bhutan. The festival features prayers and teachings led by the Je Khenpo, Bhutan's religious head. This is a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the spiritual community and observe traditional Bhutanese religious practices in full vibrancy. The festival is a profound expression of communal hope for world peace and prosperity, characterised by colourful displays, music, and profound devotion.

Tourism Board Alliances

The National Memorial Chorten FAQs

Which are the famous festivals celebrated in the National Memorial Chorten Museum?

The most significant festival that takes place at the National Memorial Chorten is the festival of Moenlam Prayer Festival. On this day, the religious head of Bhutan addresses and blesses the people of Bhutan. This festival attracts a lot of Buddhist devotees from all around the country.

Why is the National Memorial Chorten Famous?

Apart from being a memoir to the third leader of the Kingdom of Bhutan, National Memorial is also famous due to its religious importance in the Bhutanese culture. Additionally, it is architecturally beautiful, thus attracting locals as well as international travellers. Visiting the Chorten is a must for anyone visiting Thimphu even for a short while.

Is there any Transportation facility available from city centre to the museum?

You can easily get yourself a metered taxi from the city centre to travel to the National Memorial Chorten.

Who built the National Memorial Chorten?

The idea of Construction of the National Memorial Chorten was put forward by Thinley Norbu, a major teacher in the Nyingma lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. The construction was majorly funded by the mother of the 3rd Drug Gyalpo of Bhutan.

The National Memorial Chorten Reviews

Joise Luke
Reviewed: 03 Jan 2023
Our experience of Happiness is a place called "Bhutan" From the time of first enquiry, package options, checking on us during the trip and even after our return - the entire experience is memorable. A bundle of thanks to Aporva for providing us with a variety of packages and Seajal for coordinatin... Read More
Joise Luke

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