Let's support a good cause!
A team of two friends - Varun Gupta and Vijay Nagar are running Ladakh Marathon 2017 for a cause and took this as an opportunity to give back to the society.
They are running 42 Km in Ladakh on 10th September 2017 to raise funds to buy solar lantern to be distributed to the families in the flood affected areas of Bihar. Many have lost their lives and many are adversely affected by the flood. This project aims at bringing mass impact in the lives of all those people living without power and allowing them realize their lost dream.
Last year, they lit up more than 40 households in Ladakh which impacted more than 100 lives, with the help of all the supporters and contributors. This year, they've raised their bar 10x higher!
People without electricity use kerosene lamps which has adverse effect on their health and ultimately they become sick and diagnosed with severe diseases. Whereas solar lantern has multiple benefits which can help a family earn extra income by working beyond sunset. Solar lantern does not emit poisonous smoke rather it the cleanest form of alternative energy available to humans. It is simple to use and easy to operate, one has to just put the solar panal at the roof and connect it with the device. During the day it will get charged and at night you can put it to use. This process goes on and on. Lastly, it doesn’t require any maintenance or recurring cost as in the case of the kerosene lamp.
They have been running the solar awareness program under the name “Lighting Up India” where they educate people about the solar in the areas where there is less or no electricity.
Each lantern sponsored will make this project successful and light up more than 2000 homes, thereby removing the kerosene lamps from their houses.