Hyderabad To Shirdi Bus Package Overview
About Hyderabad to Shirdi Bus Package:
Shirdi is a small town in Maharashtra and one of the most significant pilgrimage sites in India. The place is said to be the home of Saint Sai Baba who has been an embodiment of divinity and spirituality. Moreover, the Hyderabad to Shirdi bus packages offer you a chance to visit the spectacular temples with a rich religious history that will fill your mind with peace and devotion and make your trip memorable.
Hyderabad To Shirdi Bus Package Itinerary
Day 2
Visit other popular temples of Shirdi
Day 3
Shirdi to Nasik and back to Shirdi
Day 4
Return to Aurangabad
Select Package Options
Hyderabad to Shirdi Bus Package
4 Days, 3 Nights
USD 142.02
USD 96.99
Per Adult
Hyderabad To Shirdi Bus Package Map
Starting Point
Shirdi, Maharashtra, India