
Inspiring Wanderlust Vibes

Read what our ecstatic customers have to say
Jalaj Kalra
Reviewed: 21 Feb 2024
Everything was excellent planned and well organised all the major places to visit was covered. Phuket hotel was not upto the mark.
Aditya Bisaria
Reviewed: 13 Oct 2022
It was a good trip!!
aditya  bisaria
aditya  bisaria
aditya  bisaria
Tanushri Trivedi
Reviewed: 14 Apr 2022
Our trip to Chiang Mai with Thrillophilia was absolutely superb. We visited the temples and palaces. One of the special visits that stands out for me was the tour of the Elephant Sanctuary. All of the sightseeing tours were arranged for us, including the car and our guide who stayed with us througho... Read More
Shubham Jha
Reviewed: 12 Apr 2022
Our trip to Chiang Mai was one of the most exciting experiences I’ve had in my life. I did not know this Thai city had so much to offer… The heritage attractions were simply the best. The highlight for me was most definitely the tour of the Wat Phra That Doi Suthep, the handicrafts village.
Sheena Iype
Reviewed: 11 Apr 2022
If you’re looking for a city based tour in Thailand, this might be just up your alley. The package from Thrillophilia takes one through most of the major cities- Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Phuket. We visited the temples, palaces, parks and the markets. We also customized our itinerary to include a full... Read More
Gunjan Kumar
Reviewed: 07 Apr 2022
I went to this water park in Chiang Mai last summer and had a great time. All the four zones at the park are beautifully kept and offer great fun and thrill to visitors of all ages. I would like to commend Thrillophilia for making the trip as convenient as possible for me.
N Sheshgiri
Reviewed: 28 Mar 2022
I’d recommend this package if you’re someone with prior experience in adventure sports, because it can be quite taxing on the body. However, if you’re experienced, the whole thing is just lovely. The tour takes you on a 10 kilometer trek to the top of the falls from where you start rafting. My frien... Read More
Prashant Saini
Reviewed: 08 Apr 2022
Thailand is a mesmerizing place, and the package does justice to it. The Chiang Mai Night Safari was a unique experience for us. Perfect destination for trips with family and friends.
Prasanth RK
Reviewed: 04 Apr 2022
Booking with Thrillophilia means comfortable stays, good facilities, an experienced and friendly tour guide and great itineraries. Exploring Thailand became a lifetime memory with my friends and the many amazing places we visited.
Rajat Agrawal
Reviewed: 02 Apr 2022
Traveling with Thrillophilia is the best way to explore any place! This Thailand Tour is great for sightseeing, and they even provide a guide with transfers. Never traveling with any else other then Thrillophilia.

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