If Jakarta is the industrial and financial powerhouse, Yogyakarta is its soul. Central to the intellectual and the artistic heritage of the island, Yogyakarta also known as Yogya is a place where the arts is at its brightest form, Javanese language is at its purest form and all the traditions are at the forefront.
Highlights: There are a myriad of places to see here such as Prambanan, Taman Sari, Jalan Molioboro, Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat, Fort Vredeburg Museum, Gembira Loka zoo, Pok Tunggal Bech and Borobudur Temple Compounds. When here in this beautiful city of Indonesia you have an ample number of things to do. Go around hanging on the cable cart at the Timang Beach, get up and close with the nature at the Kalibiru National Park and see the sand dunes here.
Location: Yogyakarta lies at a distance of 234 nautical miles from the capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta.
Timings: The city is open all round the year.
Price: You may have to pay an entry fee to visit the different attractions here.