Signifying grandeur and power of Maratha women, the Tara Rani Statue at the Tara Rani Chowk is one of the best tourist places in Kolhapur. It is located right on the intersection of the city and can be revered anytime. The mighty statue is enveloped by the prominent hospitals, food joints, shopping complex, and various other restaurants.
Essential Information
- Location: 88, Station Road, Tara rani chowk, Maharashtra 416005
- Best Time: June to February
- Timings: 24 hours open
- Price: NoneSignifying grandeur and power of Maratha women, the Tara Rani Statue at the Tara Rani Chowk is one of the best tourist places in Kolhapur. It is located right on the intersection of the city and can be revered anytime. The mighty statue is enveloped by the prominent hospitals, food joints, shopping complex, and various other restaurants.
Location: 88, Station Road, Tara rani chowk, Maharashtra 416005
Best Time: June to February
Timings: 24 hours open
Price: None