Sri Lanka shelters a good count of endangered species across the globe, and one of the most exciting species amongst them is the sea turtle. The hatcheries along Sri Lanka’s western coast regularly witnesses a good count of sea turtles. Swimming all their way through the mighty Indian Ocean, the Sea Turtles reach hatcheries during their hatching period. To protect these frequent Galle sea coast visitors, the Galle Sea Turtle Hatchery of Sri Lanka was established around 40 years ago.
This hatchery in Galle has outer walls covered with themed murals portraying vibrantly coloured turtles. Inside, you will find a series of turtle preservation tanks. Every tank is accompanied with a precautionary sign board for visitors. The tourists visiting the hatchery are regularly guided through a live demonstration of depicting the entire life-cycle of sea turtles and their conservation period. The place functions as daycare for all those newborn sea turtles who opened their eyes here for the very first time. The hatchery homes to several small water tanks for protecting these newly born sea turtles.
Gradually, five different varieties of Sea Turtles are found here at the Sea Turtle Hatchery in Sri Lanka – Olive Ridley, Green Turtle, Hawksbill Turtle, Loggerhead Turtle, and Leatherhead Turtle. All the injured sea turtles are protected within a separate tank, which is specially reserved for their protection. Every member working here at the Galle Sea Turtle Hatchery is trained with the basics of helping all the sea turtles who are in thorough need of medical assistance or all those who are pregnant.