Pontianak is the capital city of West Kalimantan. It is home to ethnic Chinese, Malays and Dayaks, as well as minorities such as Bugis and Javanese. Pontianak is located right on the equator hence it is widely known as Kota Khatulistiwa (equatorial city).
Highlights: You can visit Pontianak zoo, also called as the Kebun Binatang Pontianak that takes care of variety of animals including the Orangutans. It also has a number of animals from the jungle of Borneo. Visitors can learn explore how unique Pontianak is as it is one of the few cities in the world situated exactly on the equator line. People also love visiting Tugu Khatulistiwa that is built in the 0-degree equator line and is just 11 km away from the city center which is easily reachable through public bus transport. Tourists can enjoy a boat ride at Kapuas River that divides Pontianak into two different sides.
Location: Pontianak is located at West Kalimantan in Indonesia.