Also known as Kanchanaburi War Cemetry, Don-Rak is a main prisoner of war cemetery that’s designed for the victims of Japanese imprisonment who died while building the Burma Railway. The place is maintained by Commonwealth War Graves Commission.
Highlights: The place is a tribute to the men who were forced to work at the Hellfire place and were prompted to do things even when they were in emaciated conditions. Consequently, a number of them died due to different kinds of illnesses. The place has 1896 Dutch War Graves, 11 graves from India and over 6980 Prisoners of wars have been buried at this place.
This mostly includes British, Australian and Dutch people. Across the side road, one can find the Thailand Burma Railway museum, which is dedicated to these people, these prisoners who had built it. The memorial cites the names of different prisoners so that people can keep them alive in their hearts.