Given its proximity to the highway, CA Na is a more relaxing place than you would ever think. Hardly more than a wide spot in the road, this small town might even tempt you into staying overnight. Beyond the coracles parked along the beach, the water is invitingly clear and snorkeling is a possibility, though you’d be wise to ask locals where to wade in as the coral here is razor sharp. If you crave a little more solitude, a spine of decent dunes back up another good stretch of sand 2km south; a fifteen-minute walk east of the resort area is CA No village itself, characterized by the blue fishing boats typical of coastal Vietnam.
Despite the influx of tourism, sea fishing is the region’s lifeblood and provides a living for a considerable percentage of the population. Fleets of fishing boats jostle for space in the cramped ports and estuaries of the coastal towns, waiting the turn of the tide; and fish and seafood drying along the road is a common sight. The fertile soil blesses the coastal plains with coconut palms, rice paddies, cashew orchards, sugar cane fields, vineyards, and shrimp farms. Explore this rich tapestry with tailored Vietnam travel tour packages. One of the most commonly seen fruits here, especially around Phan Thiet, is the dragon fruit, which grows on the plants with distinctive, octopus-like tentacles.